Free Appointment Slots Function

We have tried this at both our practices. At the quieter practice with more empty slots, it runs really quickly. At the busier one, it runs really slowly and stalls the system for other users as well.


Any clues about what will help it run quickly at both sites?

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Re: Free Appointment Slots Function

By default it will look for all free slots for all schedules in the view, in the next month. To improve response times try:

  • using a smaller date range
  • selecting a single schedule, rather than all schedules

How many schedules are in the view you trying to find free slots in?

Re: Free Appointment Slots Function

The freeze occurs at a number of different steps.  We have tried breaking it down into weeks, but still got the big freeze.  We selected just the grooming schedule and the freeze occurred as soon as we selected grooming and didn't even wait for us to change the date range.

What doesn't make sense to me is that it works best on the schedule with the greatest number of free spots. So must have something to do with having so many pre-existing slot available. Or, must be the time taken to read what is already booked.

Interestingly, if we go to the schedule in 12 months time, where there are not as many appointments yet, it works really well.

Re: Free Appointment Slots Function

Tim A - I agree with Garry. I am in the middle of playing with our production system - which is well provisioned with 8GB of inno_db_buffer_size

I did the following:

and it is still running. MySQL is not running v.hard (8% CPU, negligable disk) and I still have good reponse on a second screen. Tomcat is running hard at time - up to 70% cpu.

I eventually terminated the session - it was still doing 'please wait' after 10 minutes.

I will have a play early tomorrow when there are fewer users on the system - but I suspect there is a problem.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Free Appointment Slots Function

The database index being used to perform the query is suboptimal.

Raised as OVPMS-1655


-Tim A

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