Getting a desktop experience with OpenVPMS using prism.

Hi Everyone,

I remember a while back someone asked about OpenVPMS being developed as a desktop program rather than a web application. I have been using a application called Prism which runs OpenVPMS just like it was a desktop program. My nurses probably don't know what a web application is, they just think that OpenVPMS is a normal program like any other because prism makes it that way.

I am mostly using macs but also have it installed on a windows XP machine and on a ubuntu machine. It's a little buggy on the ubuntu machine but works really well on the macs and the windows machine.

On the windows machine:

  • An icon is installed in you programs folder and/or system tray
  • You run it just like any other program by opening it from the system tray or programs menu
  • It can be set to start at boot-up

On the mac:

  • It can be installed in the applications folder
  • You can just drag it from the applications folder to your dock
  • To launch it just click on the icon in your dock

Why do I use it rather than a browser? It just feels right. I also found that I often reverted to using the browser back button and then getting logged out. There is no address bar or buttons so I can't click them. It also maximises the screen real estate as there is no menu bars.

I've attached a screen shot but I'm at home at the moment so there's not actually any access to openvpms for me at the moment.

I've also attached the icon which I use as a custom icon when creating the app using prism.

I've been using google chrome in a similar way on windows. It seems to launch a bit faster and I may even prefer it for windows.

Hope this is of help to someone,
Matt Y.

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Hi Matt,

Nice look! We use tabs alot and remove unwanted menu/nav bars in firefox.

Matt C

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