History deletion

Hi Tony


We are finding its very easy for all staff to delete patient history, is their any way of restricting users access. Can we ensure that only Administration can delete histories.





Nola Chapman

Practice Manager.


Tasmanian Animal Hospital

Special Care for Special Friends

29-31 Clarence Street, Bellerive, Tas 7018

PH:  0362447667

Fax: 0362450509




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Re: History deletion

Hi Nola,

OpenVPMS allows assigment of roles to users to restrict who can create, save or delete specific records. Unfortunately no one has yet built a set of default authorities and roles so everyone tends to use administrator which alows everyone to do anything.

I am a good way through adding a list of standard user roles which will allow more precise restriction of things like deletions. I am hoping to have this available for the 1.5 final release ...



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