How do I fix this


I have added a patient to the incorrect owner this morning and finalised a counter sale.

Could anyone advise if I can delete this record or is the only thing to do to change ownership and write some notes to explain the error?



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Re: How do I fix this


best way

1. You can change the ownership of the patient. 

2. Revers the counter sale in the account section of the incorrect client. and then recreate the invoice in the correct client.  Obviously you would need to reverse any payments made as well.

Make a note in the reversals as to why and you should be fine.


Strictly speaking in accounting dont want to ever "delete" incorrect trasaction entries as tidy as that sounds.  You want to keep a trail.



Re: How do I fix this

Thanks Again,

I am mad at myself and I don't like how that patient will always be linked to the incorrect client but yes I will slap myself on the wrist and change ownership/reverse etc :)

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