Refunds error on Deposit summary

When we have done a cash refund, at the next banking the TILL SUMMARY is correct with the refund amount deducted from the cash total but the subsequent DEPOSIT SUMMARY add the amount of the refund to the the cash total so the amount on the depost slip is greater than the actual amount of cash by twice the amount of the refund. Is this an error on our part and how can we fix it?

Mike Wildie

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Re: Refunds error on Deposit summary

I have also noticed this problem with the report,


Re: Refunds error on Deposit summary

Hi Mike and Bernie,

I remembered fixing this issue at some stage and thought the new report was loaded in the new release.  Can you both try this report and tell me if it fixes your issue ?

Cheers Tony

P.S.  To load first download and then edit the existing Bank Deposit template and update with the downloaded file using the Upload button.

bankdeposit 26032012.jrxml 26.82 KB

Re: Refunds error on Deposit summary

Thanks Tony,

Have loaded - will test and advise.

Q. Would anyone like the sum of the deposit summary on this report?

It is on the computer screen but not on the report.



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