How do you extract invoice lines from an openvpms database


Our software project requires us to extract every invoice line for legitimate/completed invoices (so exclude any estimates or quotes) to petowners. We are doing this for multiple systems but are struggling to map this accurately in openvpms

The data required is:

client ID (unique identifier of pet owner)
user_id (unique identifier of user who entered the invoice line or invoice)
user_name (name of the user who entered the invoice line or invoice)
date_created (date the invoice line was entered)
is_deleted (this is just a tag so that we can identify deleted line items or invoices)
quantity (quantity of product sold)
line_total_inc_tax (tax inclusive amount for the total invoice line. Or we just need to know if the value is inc or exc tax)
product_id (unique identifier for the product/fee charged)
description (description/name of the product/service sold)
unit_price (unit price of the product/service - although we could work this out from the above, its nice to cross check)

Can anyone give us an SQL query that will return this result?


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Re: How do you extract invoice lines from an openvpms database

My advice would be simple mount a development database and you can build that sort of query quite easily - you need to look at




primarily these are the line item archetypes we use to record invoice items, coutersale items and credited items

They are accessed in the act table and the act_detail table as well as actRelationship table and participation table.

For examples of SQL you can look here 

these templates are in the form of JRXML which user the jasperstudion reporting interface to produce the data.

The reports will all have embedded sql statements to extract the data - it should give you a good headstart on creating the sql you need.






OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
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Re: How do you extract invoice lines from an openvpms database

Ben beat me to it - looking at the sql in the jrxml files is very useful. What you also want is a test database and the mysql workbench - though the sql editor in Jaspersoft's Studio product is almost as good - though its syntax checker is a bit wonky.

here is the parameter input screen for one of my reports:


Here is the sql that implements the above:

select as product, as customer,
    customer.entity_id as customer_id, as patient,
    patient.entity_id as patient_id,
    child.activity_start_time as date,
    if(credit,-f.quantity, f.quantity) as quantity,
    if(credit,, total
from acts parent join act_relationships r on parent.act_id = r.source_id
    join acts child on r.target_id = child.act_id and child.arch_short_name like "act.customerAccount%Item"
    join participations product_partic on child.act_id = product_partic.act_id
    join entities product on product.entity_id = product_partic.entity_id and product.arch_short_name like "product.%"
    left join participations patient_partic on child.act_id = patient_partic.act_id and patient_partic.arch_short_name = "participation.patient"
    left join entities patient on patient.entity_id = patient_partic.entity_id and patient.arch_short_name like "party.patient%"
    join participations cust_partic on parent.act_id = cust_partic.act_id and cust_partic.arch_short_name = "participation.customer"
    join entities customer on customer.entity_id = cust_partic.entity_id and customer.arch_short_name like "party.%"
    join financial_acts f on f.financial_act_id = child.act_id
    left join participations pl ON parent.`act_id` = pl.`act_id` and pl.arch_short_name = "participation.location"
    left join `entities` l ON pl.`entity_id` = l.`entity_id`
    left join entity_classifications productgroup on productgroup.entity_id = product.entity_id
    left join lookups grouplookup on grouplookup.lookup_id = productgroup.lookup_id
    left join entity_relationships rpt on rpt.target_id = product.entity_id and rpt.arch_short_name = "entityRelationship.productTypeProduct"
    left join entities producttype on producttype.entity_id = rpt.source_id
where parent.activity_start_time between $P{startDate} and date_add($P{endDate}, INTERVAL "23:59:59" HOUR_SECOND)
    and like concat(ifnull($P{productName},""),"%")
    and like concat(ifnull($P{customerName},""),"%")
    and like concat(ifnull($P{locationName},""),"%")
    and if($P{classification} is null,( like concat(ifnull($P{classification},""),"%") or grouplookup.lookup_id is null), like concat(ifnull($P{classification},""),"%"))
    and if($P{productType} is null,( like concat(ifnull($P{productType},""),"%") or producttype.entity_id is null), like concat(ifnull($P{productType},""),"%"))

group by child.act_id
order by,, child.activity_start_time

As Ben said, you do need to look at the archetypes - ie fire up your openvpms test system and use Administration|Archetypes.  Also read

Also, if you are trying to understand OpenVPMS, look at

A couple of other comments:

  1. in OpenVPMS there is no such thing as a deleted invoice or deleted invoice line item. You can delete these while the invoice is being generated (and they disappear from the database) - but once it is finalised you cannot
  2. tax inc/ex - see [note that I wrote the above report for a practice in Hong Kong were there are no sales or VAT or GST taxes hence there is no need to show tax in/ex amounts - they are the same.
  3. Product 'description' - we call this the name - but there are both Printed Names and Names - if there is a Printed Name this will be displayed on the invoice rather that  the Name. Reports (like the one above) generally show the Name.
  4. unit price - be careful - products can also have a fixed price - see

Have fun, regards Tim G

Re: How do you extract invoice lines from an openvpms database


Got it all working now.


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