How do you manage Stock for items that are ordered in more than 1 way....

So I have been struggling with how to manage vaccine stocks...up till now I just didnt, but I am trying to work out an effective way.  Lets start with the issue:

Currently many vaccines are ordered in multiple ways looking at a canine 5 vaccine

You can order

a Combopack which contains 20 c3 doses and 20 bb/pi doses OR you can order 20 c3 seperately or 20 bb/pi seperately.  We do both because the c3 are triennial and the bb/pi is yearly....but the combo packs are cheaper.

Given when I do a c5 full update I will use 1 c3 and 1 bb/pi vial but the bb/pi vial might come out of a combo pack or it might come out of a bb/pi pack.... Any ideas...

I am currently changing so that invoices show seperate charges for health checks, and vaccines.

This brings up the second question, for items like Proheart Sr12 I currently have seperate items for different pet Proheart sr12 10-15kg

I can work out a formula to set a fixed price and then a unit price to mimic this, which will lead to accurate stock management, and link a yearly reminder, but on occassion as per the label, we will use it on puppies at 3mths (reminder due in 3mths) and 6mths (reminder due in 9mths), and we discount the fee on these injection to act as a conversion discount. How can I mimic all of this simply with 1 product.  I could set the reminder as interactive and default it to 1 year. Which leaves it open to user error and updating. I can also add a 2nd fixed price (selectable) to account for the puppy price discount.  Any other ideas on a better way?


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Re: How do you manage Stock for items that are ordered in ...

Final Note: what are the implications of allowing services to have medications/merchandise linked not for pricing but for stock updating....IE ...I do a In house fine needle aspirate. using 3 slides, 1 syring and a 22g needle, in my product screen the IH - Fine needle Aspirate has those 3 products linked and when sold reduces the on hand qty respectively? ie performs a stock adjustment.

Re: How do you manage Stock for items that are ordered in ...


I can't comment on the vaccine stocks management however I am well keen to have the ability for services to have stock items linked. It does create the issue however of how detailed you get with these things (I really doubt my staff will note what size IV or Foley catheters they used and note this).

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