New Client/Patient Entry

Ok, I will state up front this is a bit of an out there idea and absolutely not relavent to most practices out there. I just have been thinking about it for a while and am interested in:

- Is it possible?

- How might it work?

- What would it cost?


As a referral practice the vast majority of our clients are new clients with new patients. We have moved from a paper based sign up form to an electronic sign up form. However this is still an inefficient process. Clients sign up on the form and then staff have to transcribe this into OVPMS. This takes time and can result in transcription errors.

What I would like is if we had a way for clients to fill out an electronic form, and this would automatically enter them into OVPMS. Saves staff time. Reduces errors. Etc.

Ways I see how this could happen.

1) There could be an automatic importer system similar to the way in which investigations and the such are imported. As long as a text document was delivered to this in a consistent format OVPMS would recognise this and create a new client/patient. You could use different 3rd party programs to deliver the information.

2) An add on could be created to OVPMS that would let you define what information to be entered and this could be displayed to clients in a "kiosk" mode.

Thoughts? Options? Something best created by a 3rd party not part of the official development of OVPMS?

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Re: New Client/Patient Entry

This could be done as an extension to OpenVPMS.

An app would be provided that only allowed users to enter customer and patient data. The customer and patient forms would be different to those that the clincial user sees; they would be based on a simpler set of archetypes than party.customerperson and party.patientpet.

Once entered, the new customer and patient data would be presented for review in OpenVPMS (probably via a new screen in Workflows). If valid, the data would be used to create actual party.customerperson and party.patientpet objects in OpenVPMS.


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