Improvement to the Practice Deposit account
Submitted by Ben_Charlton on Thu, 22/05/2014 - 10:40
Suggested Improvement
1. Add a BSB number to the deposit account archetype - this is effectively the BRANCH NUMBER in Australia - you could lead the acccount number with this info but it is more effective to list it seperately.
2. Add a new party jxpath ref to return the values from this node for reporting : ie
I am aware that we could use openvpms.get to return this but I think it would be better to create custome returns.
Re: Improvement to the Practice Deposit account
Ben - I think we should try to keep things as non-country specific as possible. I suspect that we should consider a bank account to have two parts - the account number and the access code. In Australia (and I suspect NZ), the access code is the BSB. In the UK they appear to use a "Sort Code". Hence can I suggest that we use the term 'BranchCode' rather than BSB.
a) since one can have multiple deposit accounts for a practice location, and multiple locations for a practice, which account does the party.getPractice...() function access
b) if we are going to add these two, should one not be able to access the bank and branch names, ie something like party.getPracticeAccount('node') where 'node' allows one the get the bank name, branch name, account number, and branch code.
Regards, Tim G