Individual patient invoices for certain customers
Submitted by gretalloyd on Wed, 08/06/2022 - 12:59
We have an ongoing issue with our charity group invoices. They want the invoices individually so they can attach the invoice to the patient on their system.
We very regularly find we have multiple patients charges on the one invoice and so we have to manually create new invoices and transfer over the charges.
Is there a way we can have a customer type that stops multiple patients per invoice?
Also, is there a way to stop certain customer types being able to be finalised by non-admin (so admin can add a discount before finalising)?
Or another solution anyone else uses (rather than fixing up after invoice is a mess)?
Re: Individual patient invoices for certain customers
I dont believe that role based restrictions can exist per customer type so currently cant restrict finalizing certain customer.
We certainly face a similar issue - my approach was to
1. Set my discount schedule and groups effectively - this meant knowing what discount exactly by percent I was giving these customers . - Thus there is no need for admin to add a custom discount and the customer can be sure they are aware what an item will cost.
2. Instruct staff to always close off an invoice ie finalize once all charges are done for that patient or patient group.
I found the administration tasks involved around these customers was huge (and to be frank I wondered if it was worth it ) but once I automated it became seamless and the customer appreciated the consistency.
Re: Individual patient invoices for certain customers
Just wondering if there has been any development or anyone has any other ideas for this issue.
We have fixed up our discount schedule and groups.
However, we are still having multiple patients on the same invoice. Unfortunately the charity groups don't accept this and we have to re-invoice (which causes issues with investigates etc).
Is there any way to put something on the customer file (ie customer type) to stop multiple patients on one invoice. We would even accept that all invoices had a limit of 1 patient per invoice (could be practice setting)?
Or is there a way that we can move items from one invoice onto a new invoice (ie select the items and 'Move to new invoice')?
Re: Individual patient invoices for certain customers
I'll add my 2 bobs worth here as the multiple patients on the one invoice causes us a lot of bother as well. Mainly in the insurance setting. Insurers do not want multiple patients on one invoice. All well and good if we know in advance that something is going through the insurance but this is often not known until after the event. Even some ability to print an invoice that included a per patient filter would be a significant benefit.
Re: Individual patient invoices for certain customers
Raised as OVPMS-2904
Re: Individual patient invoices for certain customers
Just checking if there has been any progress with the “Single Patient Charging” flag?
It would be really great for us.
Re: Individual patient invoices for certain customers
Hi Greta,
No progress and currently not on our Roadmap to be honest.
Given the work involved to change (many places and rules inside OpenVPMS that assume multi patient) we would need to see a bit more community involvement to justify the effort involved.
In regards Insurance claiming, if claims ar edone via the Insurance process the Invoices generated for the claim only include the charges assocaited with the Patient being claimed for.