Accessing Laboratory Tests on a Submission Form
Submitted by Ben_Charlton on Fri, 24/01/2025 - 14:55
I was reviewing the lab submissions templates for non integrated labs
I was looking at adding tests
I couldn't work out the correct JRXML to access the 'tests' field
what I noted was the investigations archetype actually has 2 fields with the same name?
In any event I wanted to add a list of associated tests to a submission using a subreport
I was trying to work out the datasource expression for the subreport but couldn't quite work the XPath out
Then in the subreport display a list of test with codes
On that note the "Code" field on Lab tests seems to be readonly by default even when creating a new test. Not sure why - for non integrated labs the field should be editable.
Re: Accessing Laboratory Tests on a Submission Form
Hi Ben - appologies for the delay in responding to this.
To list the test names of an investigation in a form, you don't need a subreport. You can use:
The code field is only provided for integrated laboratories, so it can't be edited.
With regards to why there are two document nodes - they both refer to the same thing. The docReference is the old name, and is retained for legacy reasons.