ipads and laptops


Apologies if this has already been answered.


we are currently using Open on PCs with an old server in our hospital.


We will shortly be hospitalless, and going mobile.

Can I install Open on to either an ipad or a laptop via the cloud?

And if so, how do I transfer over?


Thanks in advance

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Re: ipads and laptops

If you are a single user, you can install OpenVPMS on a laptop.
If you want multiple users to be able to access OpenVPMS, then you need a cloud-based setup.

There are implementers on the Service Contacts page that can help you with this.

Re: ipads and laptops


We work with many mobile practices and setup OpenVPMS in the cloud so they can access from anywhere via Pc's, laptops, phones, ipads, macs etc.  It is quite straight forward to setup and migrate your existing openvpms and help you setup how to access remotely.  We even setup remote printer support.

Happy to chat about whats involved so feel free to call me on 0421347105.



Re: ipads and laptops

Thanks tony will do

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