Issues With Label Printing

I'm trying to print client and patient labels on a Seiko 450 Smart Label Printer (SLP) as a Form from the Documents page of a patient medical record.

The labels are 36mm x 89mm and are created as .odt files in OpenOffice (OO) with correct mergefields.

The SLP printer resides on a D-Link print server along with an HP laser, an Epson LQ570 dot-matrix and a Canon iP4600 inkjet printer (ok, I'm a printer tragic!).
The SLP printer is set up correctly on the server with printer properties of 36x89mm.  

Any labels printed from OpenOffice print perfectly on the SLP (and have done so for the past 18 months - the data was prepared in an old DOS program, OO picked up the data in a CSV file and prints label perfectly).

Labels printed on the SLP within openVPMS (OV) (create 36x89mm label in OO, upload to OV via Admin| Templates) only have the first 30mm of label printed: the rest is missing.
The same label printed on the HP laser printer from within OV prints all the text (albeit on an A4 page).
The same label printed on the Epson dot-matrix within OV prints all the text (albeit on an A4 page).
The same label printed on the Canon ip4600 within OV prints all the text (it has a dummy spit first that the page setting is wrong, but prints if I click ok to continue).

It doesn't matter whether I set the template page width to 0, 36mm, 89mm.  
It doesn't matter if I set the template page height to 0, 36, 89mm.  
It doesn't matter whether the template is prepared in portrait or landscape.
It doesn't matter whether the label is prepared in OO in portrait or landscape.
It doesn't matter whether I log onto OV on the server or at a workstation.

I've tried every combination of label in OO and in templates in OV.

What's interesting is that if I prepare the form label in OV and "preview" it - ie OV creates a PDF - the label looks perfect when opened/viewed in Acrobat and prints to the SLP perfectly from Acrobat (see below).  There seems to be some interaction between OV and the SLP.

I suppose I can resign myself to "previewing" the label and printing from Acrobat, but that's three or four clicks and a programme opening each time I want to print a label.

(Oh and BTW, I'm my own implementor!)


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Re: Issues With Label Printing

Hi Yuri,

Suggest try setting the paper size to none for the specific template in Administration -> templates which will ignore the paper height and width settings setup in the template. These sometimes interact with the actual document or jasper report settings espcially if the stock is wider then high but the printer still defines the orientation as portrait.



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