Just install openvpms for testing, question about workflow>scheduling

I just installed openvpms for testing.  All was well until I got to workflow>scheduling section.  The view tab doesn't give me any schedule options.  In the demo version of openvpms the view tab has "main schedule view" and "main clinic boarding" as options.  In the demo, when clicked on the main window toggles between the two schedules.  In my install, the main window is blank.  Am I missing a step in setting up scheduling or it this a problem with my installation?  Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Just install openvpms for testing, question about ...

You need to set up Schedules and a Schedule View and link them to your Practice Location. See Schedules, Work Lists and Workflow for more information. The Tools section at the bottom of the page links to the items you need to set up.

Re: Just install openvpms for testing, question about ...

Thanks!!!  It this worked.  I did have to log out and then back in for the changed to show up.

Lorna Johnston :)

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