localhost:8080/openvpms worked on server, but cant access openvpms from any other PC on the network

Just installed openvpms 1.8.1.   In chrome localhost:8080/openvpms/ on the server gets me right to the login page and I can log in fine.  If I go to any other PC on the network and from chrome attempt to access openvpms at I get the following error:   http status 500 ... java.lang.NullPointerException ...   If I enter on any of the none server network PC's I get to an Apache Tomcat/7.0.67 page say "If you're seeing this, you've successfully intalled Tomcat."  I am running all windows 7 pro on my LAN.  I checked that the iPv4 Address of the server is infact using ipconfig.  Any help would be much appreciated.   Thanks.

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Re: localhost:8080/openvpms worked on server, but cant ...

1. Try entering the URL of the login page:

2. Can you paste the full error into your post, including the stack trace? It should be logged in <TOMCAT_HOME>/logs/catalina-<DATE>.log, or logged to the console you started tomcat in.

Re: localhost:8080/openvpms worked on server, but cant ...

Your amazing.  Adding the login to the end of the URL.  Made it run perfectly!!!   :)    

Lorna Johnston :)

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