Lapsed client report
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 26/07/2011 - 18:08
We would urgently like a report that shows us clients that have not been to see us for 12months, but have seen us within the last two years.
Is there such a report?
If not what funding would be required to make it happen?
Re: Lapsed client report
Hi Di,
I haven't seen a report like this in the shared resurces. Think would be very useful and I have had some other OpenVPMS users approach me directly to write a similar report.
Heres a different idea .. lets get a good specification of what the report will do and then how about I build it and tell you how much time it took but rather than you and the others giving me the funds for this you contribute the same amount of funds to a current development project ?
I think those that contribute the funds to a project get the report and also have the rights to contribute to shared resources if they want to ...
Thoughts ?
Re: Lapsed client report
That sounds great Tony, we are more than happy to contribute towards it.
At the moment I'm trying to get data out about lapsed clients to send a mail out, so if it could be easliy formatted to enveolpe labels it would be super!
Re: Lapsed client report
Hi Di and everyone,
I have created a new report which can be used to export customer details for customers who's last transaction was in a specified period. This can be used to report on "lapsed" customers. You can find it here. (
I have decided that I will contribute the report and hope anyone who uses it contributes something to one of the projects looking for funding. Of course , like everything in OpenVPMS, this is purely a honesty system. :-)
Re: Lapsed client report
Thanks Tony
We ran this report yesterday, and its great. Thankyou.
Is there anyway we can have it exclude clients with deactivated pets?
Re: Lapsed client report
Thanks Tony
We ran this report yesterday, and its great. Thankyou.
Is there anyway we can have it exclude clients with deactivated pets?