Leading zero for sms



Is there any way to get our openvpms to remove the leading zero on mobile phone numbers when sending sms via smsglobal? the zero  in "0437..." is causing an error, it needs to be "437...". I'd still like it to display with the zero on openvpms though as that that is the number staff need to dial when calling.


Many thanks,


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Re: Leading zero for sms

Typically this is done when you configure the SMS Gateway Shanon.


You can see there are 2 boxes 1 has the country code and the other is the prefix

to strip the 0 you just place it in the prefix box

If you dont want the 61 added then you leave the country code blank.

See the help page for more information


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: Leading zero for sms

Awesome that worked, thank you very much!

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