Patient Activity Export Report

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone has had layout problems when trying to export the patient activity and customer activy reports including the "export" versions also.

Below is a screen shot. In short - the layout of the csv version is random and thus - leaves me unable to extract the required fields of info (from each column) in order to turn it into a database for me to then print onto envelopes for marketing material.


Just to note - if we simply preview and print as a PDF the info is pefect. Its only when exporting the issue arises.


I'm thinking that somehow our report which we used last year for the same promotion has somehow currupted since last time we used it?

Any ideas on how to correct this would be greatly appreciated. We are using Open Office if that makes any difference? But we were using Open Office last year also and it worked.

Thank kindly,


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Re: Patient Activity Export Report

Can you open the csv FILE in notepad or a simple viewer and past the same data...

I think this is an importation/csv formatting issue not an OPENVPMS issue.


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Patient Activity Export Report

From what I can see you have set the system to define columns using a SPACE as the delimiter for the IMPORT into OpenOFFICE but the report uses COMMA as a delimiter...

so it breaks columns incorrectly.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Patient Activity Export Report

Jessica - if I run an export and then open the file with calc I get:

You can see that the delimiters are in fact wrong for the file - if I modify them to just comma (and not semicolon and space) I get

ie it is all nicely separated into the columns.

Note that the above export is NOT the one you are running but the principle is the same - you have to tell Calc how to separate the fields.

Note that if I open the csv file with Excel it jumps straight in - ie it would appear to look at the file and guesses that it is using comma separators and bypasses asking me what the separators are.

My guess from looking at your data is that you have told calc to use space as the separator.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Patient Activity Export Report

Hi Ben and Tim,


I've just played around with both of your suggestions and struck gold!


Thank you both very much for your prompt help, its greatly appreciated.






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