Macros for note templates

What has everyone found is the most efficient way to use macros as notes templates?

In the previous practice management software I was using, I had a bunch of templates which I would copy and paste into the relevant text field, then select and change whatever I needed to. E.g. 'BAR, nervous/fearful/excited/calm. HR ??, no murmur or arrhythmia noted. RR ??, lung field auscultation normal. T ??. Oral mucous membranes pink & moist, CRT 1-2 s.'

This is fine for a TPR, but becomes fairly time consuming for longer notes such as a full physical with neuro exam or surgical notes. Is there a better way to do this in OpenVPMS? Maybe if I just have each thing I need to fill out on a new line to make it quicker to select?


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Re: Macros for note templates

Macros are supported in OpenVPMS.

See for details.

Re: Macros for note templates

Yes, sorry, I didn't phrase my question very well. That link was very helpful though! The {__} token will be super helpful.

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