mail all clients

This may seem obvious to the long time user, but how does one send mail to all clients (eg promoting an open day)?

The currently available reports that list clients and details can be exported to excel for a mail merge. But they all place client first name and last name in a single cell. They also place all adddress details into a single excel cell.

Is there a report that columnates these details such that they can be easily transferred to excel for the purposes of a mail merge.

Of course, I may be going at this from completely the wrong direction! Happy to be guided.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: mail all clients

Try the Customer Marketing Export Report. It has separate columns for first and last name.


Re: mail all clients

Tim many thanks. Between this report and the Patient Marketing export report I have found exactly what I need.

This is my first experience using the Open forum and it has come up trumps!



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