Billing item to wrong family pet


I am hoping someone can help me with this problem, as unfortunately it does happen to me quiet often! If I am seeing a client with more than one pet at the same time (and hence on the same invoice), if I accidently bill up the cat as getting the dog vaccination and correct it before finalising the invoice, my invoice/certificates print correctly, but in the cat's summery it still has the dog vaccination listed in its medications given for that visit. If I then try to delete it from the cats history, it makes the finalised invoice for the client no longer itemized so we can't see what the client had billed out....any ideas on how to correctly fix this?!




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Re: Billing item to wrong family pet

This is a bug: OVPMS-1452. This will be fixed in OpenVPMS 1.7.1.

The workaround at present is to:

1. edit the invoice

2. delete the item assigned to the wrong patient

3. enter a new item assigned to the correct patient

Note that you shouldn't be able to delete medications from the patient history if they are part of an invoice. This was a bug that was corrected in the OpenVPMS 1.6.2 release.


Re: Billing item to wrong family pet

To avoid this in future, you can limit the medication to a particular species (one or more): click Products | find your catvax  medication/service | click on species tab | move feline from left to right window | Ok.  This will ensure that you can't bill a cat vax to a dog, so you'll pick up that error immediately. See below.



Re: Billing item to wrong family pet

Thanks a lot Yuri.

Thanks Tim, do you know when the Version 1.7 is coming out?


Re: Billing item to wrong family pet

OpenVPMS 1.7 was released last month. There's no date yet for 1.7.1.



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