Mail Sending Issues - OpenVPMS 1.8.1

This may have been resolved but I am seeing a few mail sending issues on a clients server. 

1. SMTP errors - intermittantly - I am guessing this is a SMTP server spam prevention error..although it does occur when the client is just sending receipts individually...basically it just times out.   I dont think there is an easy solution to this one aside from using a more reliable mail host

2. When the client enters something in the Name field the mail formatting is  we get Can't send mail: To address is not valid: Malin <x.xxxx[at][dot]au>.  As you can see we dont have the name in ""....

This may have been corrected in 1.9 not sure yet...havent tested on a 1.9 machine.


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Re: Mail Sending Issues - OpenVPMS 1.8.1

1. In 1.9, there is now a 20 second connection timeout, so if there are issues establishing a connection, it won't wait for as long is at does in 1.8.

<bean id="mailSender" class="org.openvpms.web.component.service.CurrentLocationMailService" scope="session">
    <constructor-arg ref="practiceService"/>
    <constructor-arg ref="locationRules"/>

    <!-- sets the timeout for establishing a connection, in seconds. Use 0 for the default timeout -->
    <property name="connectionTimeout" value="20"/>

    <!-- sets the timeout for sending a message, in seconds. Use 0 for the default timeout -->
    <property name="timeout" value="60"/>

    <!-- Set the following to "true" to turn on JavaMail debugging output -->
    <!-- The debugAuth flag includes protocol authentication commands in  -->
    <!-- the debug output (including usernames and passwords) and may not -->
    <!-- be supported in all JavaMail implementations                     -->
    <property name="debug" value="false"/>
    <property name="debugAuth" value="false"/>

2. Email addresses now have better validation. The example you give above would be generated correctly by setting the Name field to Malin, and the Email Address to x.xxxx[at][dot]au. Putting Malin <x.xxxx[at][dot]au> in the Email Address field should trigger a validation error.

Re: Mail Sending Issues - OpenVPMS 1.8.1

In the case above the email field was set to: x.xxxx[at][dot]au and the name field was set to Malin.   My point was that Malin was not encased in " " when the error was thrown.  When the Name field was left as default and the system used the LAst/First name it presented the Name in "" properly.

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
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