Mail Sending Issues - OpenVPMS 1.8.1
Submitted by Ben_Charlton on Mon, 22/08/2016 - 23:24
This may have been resolved but I am seeing a few mail sending issues on a clients server.
1. SMTP errors - intermittantly - I am guessing this is a SMTP server spam prevention error..although it does occur when the client is just sending receipts individually...basically it just times out. I dont think there is an easy solution to this one aside from using a more reliable mail host
2. When the client enters something in the Name field the mail formatting is we get Can't send mail: To address is not valid: Malin <x.xxxx[at][dot]au>. As you can see we dont have the name in ""....
This may have been corrected in 1.9 not sure yet...havent tested on a 1.9 machine.
Re: Mail Sending Issues - OpenVPMS 1.8.1
1. In 1.9, there is now a 20 second connection timeout, so if there are issues establishing a connection, it won't wait for as long is at does in 1.8.
2. Email addresses now have better validation. The example you give above would be generated correctly by setting the Name field to Malin, and the Email Address to x.xxxx[at][dot]au. Putting Malin <x.xxxx[at][dot]au> in the Email Address field should trigger a validation error.
Re: Mail Sending Issues - OpenVPMS 1.8.1
In the case above the email field was set to: x.xxxx[at][dot]au and the name field was set to Malin. My point was that Malin was not encased in " " when the error was thrown. When the Name field was left as default and the system used the LAst/First name it presented the Name in "" properly.