Report date format

Hi guru's,

I'm using v1.8.1 and can't seem to fix the date format in my reports.  Printing as mm/dd/yy but I want it as dd/mm/yy.

I've checked:

- Windows Regional settings on server, all good.

- Tomcat config file, all good.

- v1.8.1 reports does seem to use Region Locale.

- dates are displaying correctly in OPENVPMS.


Any pointers of where I'm not looking?





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Re: Report date format

I just filled this hole in the documenation - but for 1.9 - see

I would appreciate it if you read the above and provided any comments/corrections.  Actually the start point is the requirements sections where there is now a Locale and Fonts bullet added.

NOTE: although the above is in the 1.9 stuff, it all applies to 1.8 except for the 'resource bundles' bit which is a 1.9 facility.

Note2: when I did the Win 10 upgrade on my development laptop, I found that my locale (user and system) locale had been set to the US.

Regards, Tim G


Re: Report date format

Thanks Tim G, worked a charm.

My missing piece in the puzzle was the System Locale that I needed to change; I was obviously just looking at the logged in 'user' locale settings previously.


As a comment on your [already] excellent documentation, I would put the following sentence on it's own line:

"Note that the locale used by OpenVPMS is that seen by the Java environment and that this can be different from that you see when you log on as a Windows user.  For how to set/check the Java locale see here."

...and maybe alter the last sentence above to read: "For how set set/check the System Locale (which Java uses), see here."

Thanks again!

Re: Report date format

Thanks for the feedback. As you will see, I have done some adjustments.

Regards, Tim G

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