Managing bookings for boarding animals

Hi Open users,

We recently upgraded to 1.8. I understood that there had been some changes to improve the management of boarding. However, these changes do not seem to integrate with how our boarding has been set up. We have a separate worklist which is fine for managing animals admitted for boarding and for discharging but is not useful for recording future bookings.

If I want to look who is booked on Christmas eve and how many available cages I have I cannot use the Worklist. We currently use an exercise book but could just as well use an spreadsheet.

Do other users have an alternate view on the Workflow-Scheduling screen ? We only have one view which is called "appointments". I gather that creating an alternate view called "boarding" and taking advantage of the new multiple day view feature would be best way to use OpenVPMS to manage our boarding bookings. Is that correct ?

I am wondering how other users manage their boarding bookings with OpenVPMS ?


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Re: Managing bookings for boarding animals

In 1.8, boarding is managed via schedules, rather than work lists.

You need to set up a Schedule View with the Multiple Day View box ticked, and then add a schedule representing each cage.

You can see an example of a boarding schedule view here.

Re: Managing bookings for boarding animals

Hi Tim,

I've set up the schedule view for boarding. Looks good. I think our boarding worklist will now be redundant.



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