Payment receipt system slowing

Hi List,

Have a strange quirk happening with OPENVPMS version 1.7.1.

When a payment is entered onto the system, it takes around 3 minutes for the PLEASE WAIT dialog box to close allowing us to proceed.

We generally run firefox browse or a D-Link wireless modem and have had no other issues with slowing.

I understand the problem occurs on all computers connected to the system.

As a large animal practice it has not been a massive problem because most of our clients pay by eft and cheque, but it is a real problem when a counter sale is performed.

Thanks in advance

Rupert (Rosabrook Vet Services).


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Re: Payment receipt system slowing

So the Please Wait dialog is being displayed only when you print the receipt? If so, do you get a slow down when you print anything else to that printer? 





Re: Payment receipt system slowing

Yes Tim,

The Please Wait dialog is displayed for 3-5 minutes and the system is unresponsive.

All other printing functions from all machines are fast and no problems.

Hope you can help!


Re: Payment receipt system slowing

Rupert - this is the other Tim - Tim G.  Some questions:

  1. Does the wait occur if you preview the receipt (rather than pressing OK to Print)? If NO then the wait is not in generating the receipt but in the actual print. If YES the problem is in generating the receipt.
  2. If there are multiple printers, does the delay occur when printing to just one printer or also to other printers?
  3. Does invoice printing also get delays?
  4. Is the printer being used a) a network printer, or b) it is directly connected to the machine running OpenVPMS, or c) it is attached to one of the workstations and shared with the OpenVPMS server ?

As you will understand, if you preview then print the preview, the print is done from the workstation to the printer.

If you get OpenVPMS to print, then the print is done from the OpenVPMS server to the printer.

Regards, Tim G


Re: Payment receipt system slowing

Thanks Tim,

Worked it out at last...

We have no till per se (large animal practice with accounts) and have not cleared the till since we started using OPENVPMS in 2011.

We use MYOB in parallel to keep out accounts running so have never had the need.

Around 285 pages of payments now cleared and running sweet.

We will add clearing the till to our monthly end of month tasks!

Thanks again,


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