Messaging on Open VPMS

Hi, we are a newish Clinic to this software and have come over from VETWARE. In Vetware our clinic used the messaging system very heavily to get messages through to all staff members.

Obviously Open has a messaging system, but it doesn't allow multiple messages to multiple people. Is this something that will be instated soon?

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Re: Messaging on Open VPMS

I was just digging into it a bit, and I don't think it's supported. For announcements, we just use email. I bet it wouldn't be that hard to implement. You could propose a project. It could probably be implemented as (to name a couple) user groups, multiple recipients of messages, or administrator message broadcast utility.

Cheers, Paul

Re: Messaging on Open VPMS

Agreed. If you want to see a new feature in OpenVPMS, you need to propose a new project.

If there is interest in the project, we will document the requirements and cost it. Its then up to you guys to fund the changes.

You can see existing projects here:



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