Messaging System in Open

Hi - I am very frustrated with the messaging system in open.


I would like to find out how much would it cost to improve the system.


I would like to be able to

1.  message multiple people in the clinic

2. be able to edit a message and then forward

3. like to know as I am typing how many characters I have left


Maybe the problem is with us but how does everyone communicate with each other!


Thanks, Anna

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Re: Messaging System in Open

There was a project set up for this a while back:


Re: Messaging System in Open

I agree Anna. We use the message system constantly, especially as it attaches the client and patient. It would be good if some other users might also comment, or are we the only clinics using it


Re: Messaging System in Open

Hi Tim - have had a look at the link - I sent a reply but dont know where it went. We will fund the new messaging system as we cannot cope with the way it is. What is the next step? thanks Anna

Re: Messaging System in Open

Anna has offered to start the ball rolling on funding the messaging project and I noticed that a number of you have been interested in enhancing the messaging capabilities as described in the link above. If you would like to be able to use the messaging system more then why not contribute to the project? The total cost is $2,170.00. Please let us know if you would like to pitch and help it find its way into version 1.6 which is due for release very soon.

Re: Messaging System in Open

I will contribute $200

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