MySQL installation problem - windows service with the name MySQL already exists

Hi there


I am trying to install MySQL on my Windows 8 computer. I've had a failed attempt which has created a 'Service' with the name MySQL. Now I am trying to re-install it I'm getting the error that 'A windows service with the name MySQL already exist. Please uninstall this service correctly or chose a different name for the new service. I did try calling the new service MySQL2 on one reinstall attempt but that didn't work. Does anyone know how to uninstall the windows service? I've been in to services in the admin tool and managed to stop the service and its showing up as disabled but I can't completely delete it, getting really frustrated!!! I managed to delete the MySQL2 but not sure how!




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Re: MySQL installation problem - windows service with the ...

Can I use a different program instead of MySQL? There is one called MariaDB which claims to be an alternative....


Re: MySQL installation problem - windows service with the ...

Jezzie - googling 'mysql uninstall windows 8' found and

I suspect the first contains the answer to your problem, but the second may also be useful.

As for Maria DB - the phrase 'when you are in a hole, stop digging' comes to mind. Marie DB is meant to be a drop in replacement for MySQL with performance improvements. Indeed playing with OpenVPMS running on Marie DB sounds an interesting project but needs things like a good Tomcat test harness, a decent sized database from a sizable practice, and a lot of investment in understanding typical usage patterns so as to be able to script a realistic load.

My guess is that your primary interest is firing up OpenVPMS for a small practice with limited IT resources. If so I would strongly council against straying from the well trodden path of MySQL.

Regards, Tim G

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