Uploading Investigations

Hi, Just wondering if anyone else has an issue with OPEN uploading Investigtions?

We have a server and terminal system and have had on and off problems with the Investigations being uploaded into OPEN. We use Eclinic and the path results are being down loaded into our Pathology file but not then uploaded into OPEN on a regular basis and the nurses have to manually attach the file.

If I go into Workflow - Investigations the Patients are listed but everything is In Progress.

I must admit that I do not understand fully this aspect of Open and eclinic and have just been asked by my college to post the question?

Thanks, Anna

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Re: Uploading Investigations

OpenVPMS comes with a tool to load documents (Investigations etc) from a directory, but it has to be configured to run periodically.

It is launched via the docload.bat or docload.sh script in the <OPENVPMS_HOME>/bin directory.

I think your best bet is to contact your implementer; they will know how it has been configured on your site.


Re: Uploading Investigations

Hi Anna,

I think your document loader is working Ok but maybe you are not specifying the correct request id to your external pathology provider and therefore the files coming back through EClinic do not match the Investigation request Id and are not uploaded automatically.  This would explain why the Investigations in Workflow ->Investigations are In Progress not Received or Completed.  

Are you printing a request form from OpenVPMS to sent to the Pathology provider ?

If so are you printing this from the Investigation or are you adding it as a separate form ?

If the later then the request ID on the printed request will be for a form not the investigation which would explain your issue.

If you are printing it from the investigation itself we would need to investigate further including looking at the document import folder and logs to see why the files are not being imported.

Cheers Tony

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