not able to send sms from VPMS

This morning we found we could not send SMS to clients. I think it has something to do with Google sign in - I may have done something via the annoying Google 


But I am not sure.


Can someone advise where I can find the admin section to check this out.

The message given in VPMS is: 

SMS-0201: Mail server authentication failed: Authentication failed; nested exception is javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at
535 5.7.8 c13sm10790490pfm.34 - gsmtp



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Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

Check your Mail Server settings in Administration - Organisation

Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

Checked settings and still not working.

Does it have something to do with google not accepting insecure apps? I was fiddling with my phone settings this morning and it may have started after this. No idea really. 


Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

The error message indicates it is related to the user name and password being incorrect. Did you change your gmail account settings?

Also see the How To: Use Gmail to send mail


Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

Sorry - I have tried to fix this via google settings but still not working. Any other suggestions? I might have to pay someone to do this!



Re: not able to send sms from VPMS


- Did you turn on two-factor authentication? If so, perhaps try turning this off.

- What settings did you change in google mail?

Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

Thanks Eastside - I am just down the road from you by the way - and have sent a stifle case to Chris Tan this week!


I will check this 2 stage question.

Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

Checked 2 stage verification - it is not on. So no luck so far in fixing this.

Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

If you haven't already done so, try turning on 'Less secure app access' in your google account. You can find this at

If that doesn't work, I suggest getting someone in to look over your configuration.

You can find organisations that support OpenVPMS here:

Re: not able to send sms from VPMS

This was a while ago but in case anyone else runs into this, 

Using a app specific passwords to get google to send mailfrom a third party app (like Openvpms) is one way (perhaps the only way) to get GSuite accounts to send emails from anything other than Gmail. This is only available if two factor authentication is on.



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