NOTIFICATIONS for Blood Results
Submitted by POUNDROADVET on Mon, 19/08/2024 - 13:38
I have had a chat with Lisa re a EasyVet function that I believe notifies the clinician when Blood results etc hit the system. (I have never personally used EasyVet so I am going off what another vet has told me)
I guess I am putting it forward as a suggested feature where Open could send a message or flag the VET for easy follow up. Apparently EasyVET sends a notification of some sort…
Anyways food for thought :)
Thankyou in advance.
Re: NOTIFICATIONS for Blood Results
I think this is a good idea and we have discussed various options for notifications of this sort.
As you maybe aware currently the Investigation Workspace is used for showing Pending and Received Investigations and can be filtered by Clinician (as well as other things) i.e
This does require navigating to the specific Workspace which I understand is the issue so having a new notifications area, specific the logged in user/clinician, is definitely a better option.
i.e the notification area could say.
You have 4 Investigations to Review.
You have 3 Unread Messages
You have 3 SMS replies
Clicking on the notification would take you to the associated workspace.
The Notification area could also be configured that certain users receive System Error information as well maybe. i.e
There are 20 Reminder Errors
10 SMS's cant be sent
A think there is a bit to dsicuss on the best approach and method of notification and also if notifications can be turned on and off by user etc. We can then add the necessary project and specification and see whats involved to develop it. :-)
Re: NOTIFICATIONS for Blood Results
....can we get a method of bulk changing the investigation status ....if this was implemented my workflow would tell be I have 1000's of results to review....
Re: NOTIFICATIONS for Blood Results
I mean we have a notifications workspace already - all that would be required is
1. Add the ability for labresult to generate the notification
2. Add the ability to bulk delete/complete notifications.
As admin I have so many notices.