OpenVPMS Loader - how to prevent Info output

I am running a kettle transform from the command line using kitchen.bat

As you can see from the snippet below there is lots of Info output from the OpenVPMS Loader.  How do I turn it off? [You can see from the bat file contents in the Notepad window that I am invoking kettle with level:Error - this is getting rid of all the other kettle output except for these Info messages from the OpenVPMS loader.]

Here is the transform in Kettle

and here is the last of the 3 steps which use the the OpenVPMS Loader - it is nothing magic.

I think that the fix is to put a copy of the <OPENVPMS_HOME>\conf\ file somewhere (the c:\kettle directory ??) and edit it to tell the OpenVPMS loader to stop spraying out these Info messages.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: OpenVPMS Loader - how to prevent Info output

Edit spoon.bat/ and explicitly configure log4j. E.g. for spoon.bat




tells it to look for a file in the current directory. E.g.

# Global logging configuration
log4j.rootLogger=warn, stdout, fileout

# Console output
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.conversionPattern=[%p,%c{1},%t] %m%n

# Rolling log file output
log4j.appender.fileout.layout.conversionPattern=%d{DATE} %5p %c{1},%t:%L - %m%n


Re: OpenVPMS Loader - how to prevent Info output

Tim A - apologies - I should have replied earlier.  The above did the the trick.  Thanks, Tim G

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