OTC Sales Posted before Payment is made Correct behaviour?

Message from Ben CHARLTON benjamin.charlton@ascotvetsurgery.com.au

This may be linked to the previously mentioned problems with changing
payments types of finalized clients

Description of Problem: Once the OTC Invoicing has been complete, and
we move to the OTC payment screen we cannot cancel out of the sale (
or we can, but we get an error stating we cannot delete a posted ACT)
If we accept the error the screen exits the OTC sale.  HOWEVER....if
you look at the reports for Counter Sales no Counter sale is present
(in any status).

If you start a fresh counter sale, produce the invoice you will find
the balance from the previous unpaid OTC sale adds to your new

This problem will occur when a client trys to buy a product but for
whatever reason cannot complete the sale once (no funds etc)

Additionally the OTC sale reports payment screen reports an overdue
payment.  However no invoice can be located and you cannot "make a
payment" because the system will only allow you to make a payment that
equals the currently invoices balance.

Ben C
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Re: OTC Sales Posted before Payment is made Correct behaviour?

Hi Ben,

Definitely not the correct behaviour.  If cancel payment then should also remove counter sale transaction as well.  If you check in the Customer -> Account workspace for the OTC account you will see a finalised invoice which is why the balance is displaying as it does.  This shoudl definitely not happen so will raise a bug report immediately.

Cheers Tony

Re: OTC Sales Posted before Payment is made Correct behaviour?

Obviously the temporary workaround is to Reverse the OTC sales that didnt get paid for via the Customer Workspace.  


Re: OTC Sales Posted before Payment is made Correct behaviour?

Hi Ben,

This issue has been resolved in the 1.5.1 patch release we are putting out.  Solves a couple of issues we found post releasing 1.5 final.

Cheers Tony

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