History Attachments

Can someone tell me if there is a maximum size of attachment?

When we scan in multiple page histories as PDFs and then try to attach them to a patient they appear as blank pages despite the PDF preview being ok. The latest history like this was 20 pages long and 12Mb. Smaller 1-3 page docs seem ok

Thanks, Nick

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Re: History Attachments

Hi Nick,

No real limit but what can effect the size is the Max Packet Size set in Mysql.  By default it is set to 1M but we suggest increasing to 16M in the Mysql configuration file.  Sometimes needs to be biiger so can increase to 64M or higher so doesn't cause this issue.   Your local IT tech should be able to do this.  If not get them to post on implementers forum and we can provide details (bit tecky for users forum)

Cheers Tony

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