Package Size/Units

We are setting up ESCI ordering and I wanted to confirm that how I should be entering package sizes (little confused by this).

My main problem is for multi-use vials. For example we order Acepromazine in 100mL bottles. We dispense by the mL.

So the “package size” for a bottle of acepromazine is 100 and units is mL?

Or is the "package size" 100 and units is "vial".

I am a little confused at where to enter data so the system orders one 100mL bottle/vial from the wholesaler and updates the quantity on hand with 100mL.

I would prefer to get this right to avoid inadvertently ordering 100 bottles/vials....



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Re: Package Size/Units

Adrian - I too had the same problem.  The trick is to understand that how things are ordered is controlled on the Supplier tab. How you sell then is on the main product screen. Below is the setup for cans pet food which the practice sells by the can, but are ordered from the supplier in packs of 24.

Note the reorder description which says "5.5oz x 24" - when this gets ordered, the order looks like

so 1 pack of 24 gets ordered, and when delivered the stcok goes up by 24 cans.


So for your case, the package size is 100 and the stocking units are indeed ml.

However, because this is a liquid measure, I do not understand how you can stocktake this. At stocktake time do you measure the quantity remaining in the current open bottle?

Regards, Tim G

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