How can one "hide" certain products from the stock list when adding items to an invoice?


    We have some of our products set up as follows (e.g. Canine Lepto Vaccine):


1. An overarching template called "Canine Lepto Vaccine"

2. This is comprised of "Nobivac Lepto" - the bottle of vaccine; and a "Vaccine" service charge.


However, this can be a little confusing for new staff using the system.  They may type in "vaccine" when adding products to the invoice, and accidentally bill just the service charge, as opposed to the template.  This will screw up the stock, and also bill less than intended!


How do other people deal with this?  Is there a way to "hide" the vaccine service charges on the stock list so it is less likely that it is selected?


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Re: How can one "hide" certain products from the stock list ...

There are a couple of different ways.

1.  Make the name of the vaccine zzVaccine.  You can set the printed name correctly so it looks right on the invoice still.  This means its not likely that people will search it accidentally.  

2.  Make the name of the templates for vaccinations all start with Vaccine - canine lepto ... Etc etc.  That way to sell or perform a vaccination. The vet just looks up vacc... Sand selects the correct one... The actual products are all named zzVaccine.. So they won't appear.

You can subsitute  zz for anything..but you want something that drops the item to the Bottom of the product list.  


In my case we use shorthand names C5 for the c5 template, 3c5 for the 3 yearly c5 .  And so on.  The service charges are listed as zzAnnual health check.  And the vaccines themselves are like novibac c3 or novibac bb/pi.  I make sure the printed name makes sense to the client.  

OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
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Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: How can one "hide" certain products from the stock list ...

Cheers Ben.  That is a simple solution that works well.

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