Patient history search report? Where?

Hi brains trust,

I am chasing the patient history search report and can find the notes but no report.  I have been through all the reports on the C: drive which accompanied the installation and still no joy.

Thanks in advance..

Dr Rupert Mothersole

Rosabrook Vet Services.

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Re: Patient history search report? Where?

Rupert - its in the 1.8 package. Look in <OPENVPMS-HOME>\reports\Reporting\Reports\Patient\A4

If you are indeed running 1.8 and it does not show up in Reporting|Reports this implies that the person who did your 1.8 upgrade did not install the new reports (see )

If you are not running 1.8, then there is an old old old version in the Resource Library - search for 'search' and it will appear.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Patient history search report? Where?

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your reply.  Unfortunately i'm still stuck.

I am running version 1.7.1, and not too keen to upgrade just yet as we updated from 1.6 recently.

I have searched and the patient history search does not appear under any reports in version 1.7 or version 1.7.1.  I have seen the report on the reports folder on version 1.8 but it doesn't appear anywhere else I can find.

I have also searched the community resources and although found a page about the report it does not appear to have a link to the report file? 

Thanks again


Re: Patient history search report? Where?

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your reply.  Unfortunately i'm still stuck.

I am running version 1.7.1, and not too keen to upgrade just yet as we updated from 1.6 recently.

I have searched and the patient history search does not appear under any reports in version 1.7 or version 1.7.1.  I have seen the report on the reports folder on version 1.8 but it doesn't appear anywhere else I can find.

I have also searched the community resources and although found a page about the report it does not appear to have a link to the report file? 

Thanks again


Re: Patient history search report? Where?

Rupert - I have done a quick back port of the 1.8 version to 1.7 and put it in the resource library - see

By the way I checked the old one - at - it has the files attached. However, I recommend the new one.

Regards, Tim G


Re: Patient history search report? Where?

Thanks Tim,

Got it going now.  Problems with report links not appearing on google chrome, and links but no save as function on Windows edge browser.  Back to good old firefox i think!  Glad to get it off my list for monday!

Have a great weekend.



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