Payment default amount


Is there a way to default the payment amount to $0.00, instead of it automatically defaulting to the amount the customer owes? This is causing problems for us, staff arent changing the amount if client pays less than they owe.

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Re: Payment default amount

Unfortunately the amount that appears in the payment window is hard coded into the web applications interface, it could be changed, but the change would need to be proposed to the community and a consensus reached.  

My two cents is - if staff aren't changing the payment amount now, they are going to leave it at $0.00 and constantly get the validation error that occurs if is 0, meaning click a second button make the change (4 more buttons minumum) and the press Ok to finalize the payment.

This comes down to an efficiency and training.  

The efficiency is achieved when the system does what automatically what happens more than 70% of the time.  In this case that is the client pays the entire outstanding amount.   

My staff are guilty of the above issue as well, but because they are also responsible for balancing thier own till, they quickly trained themselves out of the mistake because it meant they had to stay back and fix it.  

While I concede  that fixing this errors is annoying and time consuming, I think the efficiency achieved warrants the system maintaining status quo




OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au

Re: Payment default amount

Hi Ben - we struggle with our nurses balancing the till at the end of the day. We use Open and also a hand written day book that needs to show who & how they paid or if an account was taken.

Mistakes are made for a variety of reasons - in our clinic they seemed to be made carelessly without much thought - at least that is the reason when we ask.

In your notes you say "My staff are guilty of the above issue as well, but because they are also responsible for balancing thier own till, they quickly trained themselves out of the mistake because it meant they had to stay back and fix it.  " 

When they stay back to fix the problem are you still paying them to fix the problem or are they doing it in their own time?

Thanks Anna

Re: Payment default amount

we pay it costs us money which means if it happens repeatively they recieve official warnings etc and if it continues they are out of a job.

No offense but if someone consistently makes mistakes because they are in thier own words are

"careless and without much thought"  they can find someone else to pay them to be careless.

Maybe one simple change to the payment window would be to increase the size of the TOTAL BALANCE to make it clearer.  


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
Ph: +61423044823 
Email: info[at][dot]au
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