Prescription Project


I have just added a new development project relating to managing Prescription information.  I would love to see this included in the 1.7 release if possible so I invite everyone to comment and hopefully we can get it funded in time.   Here is a link to the project information.

Cheers Tony

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Re: Prescription Project


I note there have been no comments entered against the project so I can only assume that everyone is happy with the specification as is.  That being the case I will send this off to the developers for review and costing.  :-)

Cheers Tony

Re: Prescription Project

Feedback you want....Feedback you shall get!


Stepping back from the problem and trying to understamd what is the actual core problem here...I assume you are talking about customers coming in and wanting a prescription written for a medication they will pick up at the local pharmacy(compounding or other). Is that corect?


The issues then become

1/ record keeping of doses etc

2/ charging appropriately for the writing of such a script.

To these two ends, we have the following protocol which seems to negate the need for the above project. 

1/Add the product as an item into your products. Remember, you won't need max and min if you are not actually stocking the product. (If you do stock it, then you might need to fiddle the stock numbers to keep them corect)

2/bill the item to the patient/customer using a zero in the quantity tab, but maintaining the dispensing fee(ie fixed charge).

3/ In the label tab that comes up, add it as 1 or x numbers of units as required.

4/ In the dispensing instructions, start with number of repeats, followed by the recipe(eg 1 tablet twice daily for xyz)

5/ Clinicians name etc.

6/ Finalise the invoice etc.


Re: Prescription Project

Hi Tony,

Not sure if I totally get the problem with Prescriptons. But this is how we deal with it.

We have a product called Prescrption No repeat, Prescription 1 Repeat, Prescription 2 repeats, Prescription 3 Repeats, Prescription Multiple Drugs No repeats. Each has a different fee - which is more than our usual dispensing fee. We have a Document that I have created with various input fields for the Drug strength, amount, directions and number of repeats.

We handle the request for a Prescription just like any other drug request - gets logged into the system under the Worklist of Client Orders.

I am happy to share the document if anyone is interested that we print out to give the owner. The system works well for us. I think the idea of having a label attached to the Prescription product is a good idea as it would save us having to open up the document to find out the details of what was prescribed.


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