Open Office Input Fields and User fields

Currently we can create USER FIELDS in open office to pass data from the OpenVPMS application into a form or letter.  These are created by using references that are supplied in the OPVMS documentation.

You can also use INPUT FIELDS that are checked at document creation and will create a window asking the user for INPUT.  This is done by pressing Ctrl+F2 then choosing FUNCTION the selecting INPUT Field from the TYPE list and entering some help text in the reference box

However this method is flawed in that the information entered is not given a variable name.  The other method of creating INPUT FIELDS is to use the VARIABLES tab and select USER FIELD and type a new variable name in the lower left box eg..UserInputField1 then click the green arrow. Then select INPUT FIELD from the type box (notice that the field you just changed is now greyed out.) Then again enter some help text in the reference box and click insert where you want this information in your document.

You can then select the USER FIELD from the list an insert that variable multiple times in the document.  The user will only get asked once to enter the data.

In openvpms however, it asks for the data but it isnt traslated correctly and the field ends up reading "INVALID PROPERTY VALUE"

Does anyone have a working method to achieve the above aim?  I can attach an example document if required. 




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Re: Open Office Input Fields and User fields

Hi Ben I don't think that is supported.

IIRC you need to use Functions -> Input field, and enter the Reference. This reference is used both for the prompt for input, and to identify the input field when it comes to merge the text with the document.


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