Price List not showing GST

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone can explain why GST is not included on the printed Price List?

Is there a new/better report we could be using or how do we get GST included so that in the event we are billing manually during power outage we are giving the correct (GST inclusive) pricing.




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Re: Price List not showing GST

You need to update your reports to the latest versions included in the OpenVPMS 1.9 release distribution. For products there are two main ones:

  • Product List Report - reports/Reporting/Reports/Product/A4/Product List Report.jrxml
  • Product Price List report - reports/Reporting/Reports/Product/A4/Product Price List Report.jrxml


Re: Price List not showing GST

Jess- you really should load the new/revised set of reports uning the templateload facility - see

By the way most report now have a include tax option which, by default is not checked. So if you need inc-GST prices remember to tick this box.

Regards, Tim G

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