Prices on Product Templates


Wondering if there is a way to see the prices of the included items within a product template.

Currently if I want to find out how much a template costs, or the cost of the items within a template, I have to create a dummy estimate on a patient.

It would be super handy if within the template there was a column for the price of each item, that way when we go to edit a template we can clearly see what the cost would be, without having to go out - do a dummy - and then go back in.

It would be super super handy if the template also had a subtotal line at the bottom...

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Re: Prices on Product Templates

Greta - as you have indicated there is currently no way in the Products|Information screen to see the totals (remember that there will be a max and a min total given that each item has a low and high quantity). There is also the problem of which fixed price to use when one or more of the items has multiple fixed prices. There is the question of which pricing and service ratio to use - presumably that for the current practice location.  Finally there is the problem of patient weight dependencies - ie the template can contain items that are present/absent depending on the patient weight.

All the above indicates that one cannot simply add a 'total price' field to the Product Template.

A possible approach would be to add an Estimate button to the Product Template view/edit screen - pressing this would bring up a display of the min and max totals using the default (or first found) fixed prices, the current practice location and patient.

It seems to me that this a project sized task.

Tim A may have other suggestons as to how to proceed.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Prices on Product Templates

Re: Prices on Product Templates

That looks great. Thanks.

Re: Prices on Product Templates

Hi Tim,


Is it possible to have this projected costed please?   Do you need any further information?   Greta would you like any of the specifications changed??




Re: Prices on Product Templates

Hi David,

I don't think I would like any of the specifications changed. Pretty happy with the plan.

The only thing I thought of the other day was when I am doing an estimate, it would be helpful (for me) if the Printed Name of the template I'm using to do the template replaced the wording "Enter a title..."

For example, if I am doing an estimate for a TPLO, I use:

Template Name: "st TPLO" which has Printed Name: "Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy for Canine Cruciate Ligament Rupture"

Would be great if this automatically appeared in the estimate, without having to type it.

This won't work if people use individual items, will only work with templates, so not sure how you'd get around that, maybe use the first product added (which would be template).

Saying that, we don't use estimates as much as many clinics, so if this doesn't work for clinics that do use estimates, then don't worry about me.


Re: Prices on Product Templates

The project has been updated and costed.

I've raised for the estimate title enhancement. It is relatively simple and not worth setting up a project.


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