problem with printer

I have a printer which I have created different instances of to enabling printing from different trays. One of the instances prints on A5 paper from the MP tray. If I print an invoice the printer works fine but if I print a patient document eg. desexing certificate some of the default settings get overridden somehow and it tries to print from a different tray.

Is there something different about the way the application prints an invoice? or would it just be that it is openoffice v jasperreports printing?


Matt Y. 

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Re: problem with printer

Invoices are jasper reports so they get printed via OpenVPMS. All other document types are printed via OpenOffice.

The code that prints via jasper reports honours tray settings, but these are ignored by the code that prints via OpenOffice.

Given that you have worked around this by configuring multiple printers, it shouldn't be an issue. Have you tried previewing the document and printing it as a PDF?


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