Product suppliers

Hello. Our system keeps creating new supppliers for products when we enter an invoice. Even if the product is not modifed, except for stock leves, a new supplies may be created. Can anyone help us with this issue. Thanks. Jon

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Re: Product suppliers

Hi Jon,

If you are entering a delivery as soon as you select the product OpenVPMS looks for any existing supplier entries for that supplier.  If there is only 1 then is will automatically fill in the invoice line based on that information i.e reorder code, description, package size, last nett, last list  etc.  If more than 1 exists it will display a list and ask you to select one.  

If there is no existing entry for that supplier it will not fill in any entries but when you save the delivery it will create them using the information you enter so next time this information will be automatically used as above.

Now the other thing is if you change the package size and there is no supplier entry for this package size it will create a new entry as well.  The idea being that you can have multiple entries for the same product and supplier but different package sizes.  

If this is not how it is behaving then we will need to investigate further.



Re: Product suppliers

Thanks Tony

We can't work out when it happens, at generating the invoice, or entering the invoice. The last one we did was T/d a very commonly used product.  We have the correct supplier, ticked as preffered. We also have 2 new suppliers created last week. We have not modified the price or details.

Michal is going to down load the laatest version & we will see what occurs after that.

thanks again


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