Product type report

Hi guys,

i was wondering if anyone knew how to run a report to find product fees by the product type?

i have some fees that have not had a product type set and i need to identify these to run an accurate stocktake list (as those without product types are not showing up on the stocktake list)

Thanks in advance for any help guys.

Renee Newstead


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Product type report

 Hi Renee,

Dont believe a current product list by product type report is available but not a difficult one for someone to write.

In regards your other issue I have confirmed that the Stock Take List report should still work if the product doesn't have a product type linked.  Are you referring to a different report ?



Product type report

 Hi Renee,


Do you mean product type or classification (product group lookup). I have a report that will find products with no classification. If I recall correctly I made it because the stock take list didn't find products without a classification but I'm not sure if I am using the standard stock report or if I modified it.


If it is a 'no classification' report you need I will be happy to upload it to the shared resources.


Matt Y. 

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