ProperCasing by dataload and OpenVPMS Loader

From a prior post at I found the location for for the web application.

However, this copy of does not appear to be the one that the dataload program uses.

That is, if I enter stuff through the web app then the 'word' EIAH correctly retains its case (because I set it as an exception in  However, the data loaded by dataload still results in EIAH being changed to Eiah.

Is there yet another place that I have to put my updated file for a) the dataload program; and b) the OpenVPMS plugin for Kettle?

Regards, Tim

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Re: ProperCasing by dataload and OpenVPMS Loader

The plugin doesn't allow the specify the location of the file; its just picking up the default located in the openvpms-framework jar in the directory:


You might be able to cd into the Kettle installation directory and simply do:

 > md org/openvpms/component/business/service/archetype/assertion/

> copy <your propercase file> org/openvpms/component/business/service/archetype/assertion /

The spoon.bat script that launches Kettle includes "." in the CLASSPATH, so will hopefully pick it up instead of the one included in the openvpms-framework jar. Don't have time to verify ATM tho.


Re: ProperCasing by dataload and OpenVPMS Loader

Tim A - this worked.  I also did the same for the dataload program - in this case (since its CLASSPATH is set so that ..\conf is the first entry) ..\conf is the place you need to create the org\openvpms\.... directory and place a copy of

Since 99% of Hong Kong lives in apartment blocks, a very common address format is:
Flat 3A, 48/F Tower 8, Island Resort
(meaning flat 3A, Floor 48, ....)

The propercasing was adjusting this to:
Flat 3a, 48/f Tower 8, Island Resort

However, after adding an endsWith entry for /F and contains entries for each of the digits 0 thru 9, it now works for me.

Thanks for the help.

Regards, Tim G


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