Query re Medical records medication display

The standard medical records display is slanted to suit the 'one vet handles the visit'. Hence the only place the clinician is displayed is on the Visit line.

If one handles surgical visits where the patient is operated on and then stays in hospital for a couple of days, there will be multiple clinicians involved - the one who did the surgery, and the one(s) who handle the post op care. It is preferable to keep all this under one visit.

Hence, it is necessary to show the clinician on each of the medical record items so it is obvious at a glance who is responsible for what entries.

I can handle all the entries except for the customer invoice items (by adjusting IMObjectTableModelFactory.xml) - so that things show as follows - the highlighting shows the vet for thr medication and note items.

However, I cannot figure out how to adjust the Customer Invoice Item lines - they have no entry in IMObjectTableModelFactory.xml.  Can I just add a line for the invoice item?

Note: the real way to handle this would be to add a clinician column between the date and item name columns.  This would work well for us because we use 'short-form' clinician names (with the full name and title held in the user's description field) but it would screw up practices who use long format names.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Query re Medical records medication display

There's currently no support to display the clinician associated with an invoice item.

-Tim A

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