Synchronisation errors

A couple of my users are getting synchronisation errors.  Although I get these errors from time to time, I do not understand under what conditions they occur.

I need explain to the users why these are occurring and how to avoid them.

Can someone explain what a synchronisation error is and when they occur.

[It is obviously to do with having multiple windows open - and when I get the information, I will add it to - which mentions the New Screen icon.]

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Synchronisation errors

It occurs when you have two windows/tabs open to the one app.

E.g. two tabs pointing to http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app/1

To avoid this, use the "Open new browser window" button. This will create a new window with a unique URL, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app/2

Note that you can also get a synchronisation error if you have multiple windows open and you log out and in before all windows have expired.


1. log in to window 1: URL = http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app/1

2. open new window 2: URL = http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app/2

3. log out of window 2

4. log in to window 2: URL = http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app/1

5. switch to window 1, and click something. You should get a synchronization error, if the window hasn't expired with a "Your session has been inactive for too long" message.

If you do get the error, just close one of the duplicate windows.

-Tim A

Re: Synchronisation errors

Thanks Tim, I have updated the CSH text (troubleshooting page) and added a link to that on the Intro/Screenlayout page.

Regards, Tim G

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