Refunds look like a positive figure


I may not be understanding this properly, but last night I did a refund for a client who had a $0 balance. I refunded her $300 on credit card.

I went to Customer -> Payments -> New -> Refund -> Credit Card -> Add -> 300.

Now it looks like she owes $300 as the number is $300 rather than $-300

I understand that when I create a new charge "credit" it will sort this out, but I thought I'd comment that it looks confusing until that happens. I think the number needs to be a negative to make it more obvious. 

Does that make sense?




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Re: Refunds look like a positive figure

Greta - send me the customer number to my private email address and I will have a look - and then report back to the forum so that the answer is public.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Refunds look like a positive figure

OK - the sequence was:

  1. invoice customer for $1234
  2. customer pays $1234 - payment amount shows as -$1234 and customer balance is now zero
  3. realise that cusomer was only meant to pay $1000 so enter a refund for $234 - a refund is the opposite of a payment so is shown as +$234 and the customer balance is now $234 which looks funny

The correct action should have been to enter a credit for $234 (which would have shown as -$234 and the customer' balance would have gone to -$234 - ie we owe the customer $234.  Then you could either leave things as shown - with the account in credit, or then issued a refund of $234.

Since the refund has now been done, to clean up things a credit for $234 needs to be raised.  The customer's balance will then be zero.

Note that this behaviour has nothing to do with 1.8 - things have always worked this way. I suspect that you just have the jitters with the new version and are sensitive to any apparently peculiar behaviour.

Regards, Tim G


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