Search database by Transaction

How does one search the database for a specific transaction? viz. A client has made a direct deposit to the practice Bank account, and only provided the invoice number as a reference and a specific amount. The amount may or may not equal the customer's outstanding balance

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Re: Search database by Transaction

I do not know of a report that will do this.  However, if you are willing to run an SQL query (either via the console, or via MySQL Workbench) then the following SQL should do the trick:

select as custname, c.entity_id as custid
from acts a
join participations pc on pc.act_id = a.act_id and pc.arch_short_name = 'participation.customer'
join entities c on c.entity_id = pc.entity_id
where a.arch_short_name = 'act.customerAccountChargesInvoice'
and a.act_id = 2825866;

Change the act_id to the one in the bank reference.

Here is the mysql client being used to run the above query.  As you can see it shown the customer name and id.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Search database by Transaction

Thanks Tim, but far too technical for me. Need an OpenVPMS Report


Paul Martin

Re: Search database by Transaction

OK Paul - leave it with me and I will knock up something.  Do you want it to 1.7 or 1.8 ?

Can I assume that the report design is:

Input parameter: transaction id

Action: find transaction with that ID and dump as much detail as possible, ie customer name and id, date, status, amount, transaction type (ie invoice, credit, etc)

Print 'no matching transaction found' if nothing with that id.

Is there anything I have forgotten?

Cost: a $50 (or more if you want) donation to OpenVPMS.

Regards, Tim G


Re: Search database by Transaction

Hi Paul and Tim,

Would this existing report work for you:

Cheers Tony

Re: Search database by Transaction

Thanks Tony.  Paul - I will not do anything since this report appears from its description to do what you want.

Regards, Tim G

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